Studi Empiris Risiko Operasional Sistem Manajemen K3 terhadap Tindakan tidak Aman (Unsafe Action) pada Industri Maritim

  • Endra Winarni Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
  • Widanto M. Adi Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
  • Christine Widilestari Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
  • Niken D. Rosita Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
  • Hero B. Santoso Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
Keywords: operational risk, occupational health and safety, SMK3, unsafe action


There is a sizable working space in the Multi Terminal Sub-Holding area, where the majority of activities use heavy machinery that can be dangerous. Recent years have seen a rise in ship operating activities, loading, and unloading, which has increased danger. The movement of containers to and from stacking yards or warehouses, the growth in container loading and unloading activities to other means of transportation, and ship operations such docking and berthing ship activities actually result in a lot of dangers. In addition, workers' ignorance of safety rules and practices, such as wearing personal protection equipment (PPE) while working, and their ignorance of hazardous work situations (unsafe action) increase the potential of work-related accidents. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the variables of the K3 management system's impact on unsafe actions in Indonesia's marine industry, as well as the elements that influence operational risk, evaluate the risk that results, and control ways to lower risk. Concurrent embedded design with mixed methods is the research approach that is employed. Purposive and snowball triangulation were used to gather qualitative data, while random sampling was used to gather numeric data. This study examines the empirical factors that impact operational risks during the implementation of Safety Management Kits (SMK3) in the maritime industry. The factors include basic causal factors, personnel and work-related indirect causal factors, direct causal factors resulting from unsafe or dangerous conditions at work, and unsafe actions. There is a significant chance that the loading and unloading process will be unproductive and inefficient. SMK3 has a detrimental effect on risky behaviour in the maritime sector.


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