Kemampuan Literasi Matematis pada Taruna Ketatalaksanaan Pelayaran Niaga dalam Perkuliahan Matematika
Students' abilities in mathematics need to be strengthened so that it becomes one of the various basic literacies that students must master in order to achieve optimal learning goals. As an educator, you need to know the mathematical literacy skills that students have in order to determine appropriate learning strategies and media for success in learning. This research aims to analyze the mathematical literacy skills of KPN Nusantara Maritime Academy Cilacap cadets in Mathematics courses. The research method used was descriptive with a qualitative approach involving 30 KPN cadets as research subjects. The instrument used is a mathematical literacy ability test which was developed based on aspects of mathematical literacy from the OECD, namely formulate, employ, and interpret. The research results show that the majority of KPN cadets demonstrate a satisfactory level of mathematical literacy. In the advanced category, 53% of cadets achieved the highest achievement, while those classified as proficient reached 33%. However, there is a small proportion who are at the Basic level (7%) and require Special Intervention (7%). This result is a good achievement with 86% of cadets already in the proficient and advanced category
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