Pemberdayaan Nelayan Skala Kecil dalam Mengentaskan Kemiskinan di Daerah Terpencil
Eradicating poverty is a difficult task, but this does not necessarily mean that efforts must start from scratch and have no specific guidelines on what needs to be done. In fact, small-scale fishers and fisheries workers have collectively been able to improve their own well-being and the ecosystems that support their lives in many places through the use of cooperatives or other institutional arrangements. The collection of Maritime Studies themes focuses heavily on experiences that can be used as a source of inspiration and knowledge. The case study provides an explanation of the difficulties in organizing and taking collective action, as well as how problems can be resolved in the context of alleviating poverty and ensuring food security.
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Jentoft, S., M. Bavinck, E. Alonso-Población, A. Child, A. Diegues, D. Kalikoski, J. Kurien, P. McConney, P. Onyango, S. Siar, and V. Solis Rivera. (this topical collection)2018. Working together in smallscale fisheries: harnessing collective action for poverty eradication. Maritime Studies 17: 94–12.
Kurien, J. 2014. Collective action and organisations in small-scale fisheries. In D.C. Kalikoski & N. Franz, eds. Strengthening organizations and collective action in fisheries: a way forward in implementing the international guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries, 18–20 March 2013, Rome, Italy, pp. 41–104 FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings No. 32. Rome, FAO. 168 pp. (also available at
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