Implementasi ISPS Code di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang
(Pendekatan TOWS Matrix)
The implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS Code) at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang is implemented as an obligation to fulfill the rules of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The background to the implementation of the ISPS Code is related to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The ISPS Code in Indonesia has been implemented since July 2004. The success of the implementation of the ISPS Code requires support from related parties. Research data related to the implementation of the ISPS Code at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang concluded that there were various obstacles including the quality of human resources, both ship crews and port security officers. This study used the Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths (TOWS) Matrix method. Based on the results of participatory observation and indirect observation as well as semi-structured interviews, information was obtained regarding the implementation of the ISPS Code where the Strength-Opportunity strategy implemented by agencies in the Tanjung Emas Port area of Semarang included improving the quality of infrastructure to support the implementation of the ISPS Code; clear regulations related to the implementation of drills; monitoring the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) which can be implemented online and providing continuous training to related human resources. Strength-Threat strategies include increasing awareness of the implementation of the ISPS Code with financial support and regular drills. In the implementation of the Weakness-Opportunity strategy, including increasing supervision of the implementation of drills, implementing regulations related to goods carried, internal audit supervision and consistency in improving facilities and infrastructure at port facilities. Weakness-Threat strategies include implementing drills according to schedule and synergy between agencies in supervising goods carried.
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