Penentuan Kesalahan Kompas Gyro dan Magnet dengan Menggunakan Azimuth Benda Angkasa di MV. Meratus Medan 3
The compass is a very important navigation tool when the ship is sailing because it is useful for showing the direction of the ship to arrive at a destination. The compass on the ship does not always show an accurate direction so the ship is sailing not in accordance with the true bow that has been made. In order for the ship to sail in accordance with the true course, corrections are required to the gyro compass and magnets. This study aims to find out the causes of errors in the compass, how to determine corrections in gyro and magnetic compasses, and the reasons why mualim rarely make corrections. The method used in this study is qualitative with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. From the results of observation data, interviews and documentation, the author obtained research results that mualim rarely makes corrections to gyro and magnetic compasses. This is because the mualim does not understand the calculation of the compass correction and because the weather factors are not conducive to taking the compass correction. Compass errors are caused due to variations and deviations. Variation is the difference between magnetic north and actual north, while deviation is caused by nearby magnetic interference, this results in deviation against the bow steered by the ship. Errors in the gyro compass and magnet can be corrected by using the sunbeam when the ship is sailing, taking corrections on the compass requires several tools, namely azimuth circles, gyro repeaters, stopwatches, nautical almanac books, scientific calculators. So that the officers on board are obliged to know the method of taking the correction of the gyro compass and magnet using the sun. Therefore, ship officers should learn how to calculate the correction of the gyro and magnetic compass and make corrections more often so as not to forget how to calculate it.
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