Pengaruh Fungsi Manajemen terhadap Kompetensi Peserta Didik Dimediasi Sistem Informasi Terintegrasi pada Diklat Kemaritiman
The purpose of the research is to find out how controlling and communication with integrated information systems affect learner competence. The research method used is descriptive moderation, where the moderator variable affects the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, both directly and indirectly. The analysis technique used is Structural Equation Model Analysis (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the study found that controlling of students who carry out practice onboard affects the improvement of student competence, this is evidenced in the statistical t value result 2.083 > 1.645, while the p value result is 0.037 < 0.050. Communication has a significant influence on the competency of students who practice onboard that evidenced by statistical t value result is 4.015 > 1.645 and p value result is 0.000. Controlling has a significant influence on Information System, which is statical t value 6.711 > 1.645 and p value 0.000. Information systems have a significant influence on competence as evidenced by the statistical t value 3.077 > 1.645 and p value 0.002. Information Systems can mediate the relationship between Communication and Controlling on Competency as evidenced by the value of t statistics 2.276 > 1.645, This shows that there is a direct and indirect relation between variables, which means that the integrated information system used functions as a partial control. In addition, the Controlling variable on Competency mediated by Information Systems remains significant, with a statistical t value of 2.748 greater than 1.645, shows that the Information System provides a partial control in the relation between Control Ability that students achieve during practice onboard.
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